Chilton Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award
Recognition for Community Outreach & Engagement

Save the Date! We will honor the 2024 Chilton Citizen of the Year (to be named) at the Chilton Eagles Club on April 2, 2025.

The Chilton Citizen of the Year Award was created in 1949 to recognize members of our community who go “above and beyond” in service to the Chilton community. Candidates are nominated for this annual honor on the basis of their volunteer efforts and personal involvement in the Chilton community. The Chilton Chamber of Commerce honors a new recipient annually at a social in March, with all members of the community invited.

Nominations are solicited from Chilton community members in January and early February and require the completion of a form detailing the nominee's activities. These must have benefited the citizens of the Chilton area, should focus on volunteer rather than job-related activities, and the nominee must live or work in the Chilton area. The winner is selected by a committee of Chamber members.

Pauline Geiser 2023 Chilton Citizen of the Year with her family

The 2023 Citizen of the Year is
Pauline Geiser

Pauline Geiser

The 2023 recipient of the Citizen of the Year is Pauline Geiser. For many years Pauline has been volunteering throughout our community. Some of the events and organizations Pauline volunteers with are:

Chilton Public Library

  • Host a monthly book club and potluck
  • Delivers books to assisted living facilities and visits with residents
  • Creates take and make crafts for both youth and adults
  • Promotes literacy and fosters community connections
  • Is a Library Aide

Salvation Army

  • Food Pantry guide, cleans wherever needed, restocks food items
  • Toy Shop set-up and Clothing Manager
  • Coats for Kids set-up and distribution
  • Back to School backpack set-up and distribution
  • Jail Ministry Program assembly and delivery of care packages for Calumet County Inmates
  • Red Kettle Campaign Coordinator

Good Shepherd Parish

  • Served on the Parish Council
  • Lector
  • Eucharistic Minister
  • Mother’s Day Rose Sale Coordinator
  • Rosary Leader
  • Religious Education Teacher and Sunday School Leader
  • Sacristan

Pauline’s nonstop volunteering goes without recognition not only to the community but also to her family. She is always willing to get involved, help where needed and to do what needs to be done to benefit our community, youth, friends, and family. Pauline cares for her older sister and helps her family wherever and whenever needed. She cooks and delivers home-made soups and meals for any friends, neighbors, or just someone needing a warm dinner and some cheering up. Pauline does this all with a smile on her face and a warm heart.

Pauline has been married to Joseph Geiser since July 28, 1973. They were high school sweethearts and have raised three children. Kim who is married to Craig Schwobe.  They have 3 children: Hailey, Mitchell and Brandon; Steven; and Nicholas who is married to Tamara Thiel Geiser.  They also have 3 children: Lukas, Bennett and Ella.

Pauline and Joe farmed for 31 years, and she worked at Chilton Metal Products/Worthington. After moving to town, she began working at CPS in the school lunch program, and the Chilton Public Library which she feels is her true calling for her social life. As a grandma she took care of her grandkids when they were little making cherished memories.

Congratulations on being the 2023 Citizen of the Year!  Chilton is proud to have a devoted women like you as a part of our community.

This is the anchor location for Past Honorees. Do Not Delete!

Past Recipients of Citizen of the Year Award

Year Recipient(s)
2023Pauline Geiser
2022Judy Hacker
2021Lois Geiser
2020Ron & Sandi Kolbe, Luke & Emily Kolbe
2019Kim & Nancy McKeen
2018Jerry Thiel
2017Jerry Mallmann
2016Bud & Barb Wieting
2015Al Steiner
2014Donald Kampfer
2013Richie Loose
2012Paul Meier
2011Terry Friederichs
2010Vern & Edith Knoespel
2009Tom Roberts
2008Paul Hugo
2007John Rodney Ronk
2006Derek McDermott
2005Chuck Schuknecht
2004Al & Cleta Woelfel, Roger & Cheri Kolbe
2003Dr. Joseph J. Schlaefer
2002Rodney Rautman
2001Lila Kilsdonk
2000Clem Casper
1999Sue Seckel
1998Deb Bohn & Carl Siebert
1997Daniel Albedyll
1996Mary Schuler
1995Ruth Ann Thede & Ray Wagner
1994Jerry Schneider
1993Bill Engler, Jr.
1992Flossie J. Edens & Ray Mlada
1991Dave & Cindy Berth
1990Jerome (Jerry) Koenig
1989Greg & Kathy Garton
1988Bill Engler, Sr.
1987Rose M. Wettstein
1986Jim Eisner
1985Alpheus W. Larson & Lorraine L. Larson
1984Betty Koch & Ed. J. Casper
1983Arthur W. Hugo & F. J. Schneider
1982Gail Engler
1981Dick Gilles
1980Barbara Hertel & Louise Sohrweide
1979Mary Knauf
1978Ken Weber & Beulah Griem
1977Roger Nelson
1976Robert Mand
1975Harry Thompson
1974Lester Nelson
1973Dave Casper
1972Hugo Herzog
1971G. G. Bloomer
1970Arthur Horst & Neil Nelson
1969Evelyn McCarty
1968Rev. Roland Ahearn, Rev. O.M. Moeschberger & Jack Young
1967Dr. K. R. Humke & Dr. James Knauf
1966J. Ed. Sohrweide
1965Gordon Aebischer
1964Orrin Meyer
1963Royal Klofanda
1962Howard Schucht
1961Mr. & Mrs. Vince Todd
1960Donald E. Bonk & Vincent G. Reinkober
1959Bernice Tesch & Norbert Sturm
1958Arthur B. Connell & John Steenport
1957Mrs. William Stauss
1956Francis J. Flanagan & Rev. William Griffith
1955Judge George Goggins, Dr. Goggins & William J. McHale
1954Carl Hofmeister & Martin Salm
1953John Reinkober & John Schneider
1952Arthur Hipke & William Knauf
1951Irene Flatley & Theodore Christoph
1950 Dr. E. T. Rathert & Dr. N. J. Knauf
1949 Jerome Fox, Judge Arps & Ray Jensen