Chilton Area Nonprofits and Community Organizations

Local Community Groups

Listed below please find Chilton and Calumet County Community groups and contact information. This list is subject to change, based on available information.

Chilton Area Community Health Foundation:

Calumet Area Community Health Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization operated exclusively for charitable purposes and to promote the health, welfare and health related education which indirectly or directly support and benefit Calumet Medical Center and the health of citizens residing within the Chilton, New Holstein, Kiel, Hilbert, Potter, Stockbridge and Brillion Zip Codes.

Chilton Booster Club:

The Chilton Booster Club is a not for profit organization formed in 2009 made up of parents, business sponsors and community members intending to provide financial assistance to the Chilton School District athletic programs for boys and girls 7th thru 12 grades. The club works directly with the Chilton School District to assure that all of the current 16 athletic programs plus Cheer and Pom can maintain the necessary support to provide opportunities for our student population.

Chilton Youth Club:

The Chilton Youth Club is a nonprofit organization that provides educational opportunities and learning experiences in a variety of fields which helps to promote self esteem in its members. CYC also teaches the importance of community service to all youth from kindergarten through high school.

Chilton & Calumet County Nonprofits & Organizations

AFSKaren Schuette920-418-0293
American Cancer SocietyShannon Thompson920-321-1376
American Legion Post #125Sharon Woelfel-Nett920-849-4662
American Legion AuxiliaryJudy Hacker920-849-2654
Calumet Area Community Health FoundationGlen Canin920-849-8700
Calumet County Community Theater920-850-5051
Calumet County Tourism AssociationKelly Nieforth920-849-1493 ext. 200
Calumet County Fair AssociationJeff Wunrow920-853-3338
Calumet County Civic AssociationGary Lemke920-853-3846
Calumet County Dairy PromotionRich Buechel920-849-9406
Calumet County 4-HTami Gasch920-849-1450
Calumet County Historical SocietyTerry Friederichs920-849-4042
Calumet County Home Health Care/HospiceBonnie Kolbe920-849-1432
Calumet County Master GardenersByron Hacker920-849-4714
Calumet Medical Center AuxSue Jorgensen920-849-7506
Calumet Sno TrailsLisa Herrick920-810-2970
Calumet County VFW Post #3153Dan DeTroye920-286-1942
Calumet County VFW Aux. Post 3153Kathy Ott920-418-3634
Republican Party of Calumet
Care BearsSharon Zorn920-849-4843
Chilton Area Community FoundationDerek McDermott920-849-9323
Chilton Athletic ClubTerry Criter920-849-2371
CAHCE (Homemakers)Paula Hella920-849-1450 ext. 4
Chilton Booster ClubMike Brown920-849-2358
Chilton Scouts BSARebecca Barry920-849-9126
Chilton Area Catholic Home & School Assoc.Chilton Catholic920-849-4141
Chilton Chamber of CommerceChamber Secretary920-418-1650
Chilton City BandTim Lenz920-418-3054
Chilton Cub ScoutsScott Sonntag920-849-8018
Chilton Eagles AuxiliaryConnie Koehler920-849-9223
Chilton FFA AlumniLuke Geiser920-464-0401
Chilton Housing AuthorityColleen Connors920-849-7042
Chilton Kiwanis ClubKen Irwin920-827-2109
Chilton Lions ClubSteve Mueller920-418-0098
Chilton Optimist ClubKen Weber920-849-2024
Chilton PTAChilton Public Schools920-849-9152
Chilton Senior CitizensMary Ann Gruber920-849-2037
Chilton United FundGlen Calnin920-849-9371
Chilton Youth ClubNorine Scheuers920-464-0274
Chilton Youth FootballSimon Greuel920-418-4062
Disabled VeteransGuy Arnold920-905-1136
Eastshore Humane AssociationSociety Office920-849-2390
Friends of Ledgeview Nature CenterJane, Louise, Steph920-849-7094
Friends of the LibraryRebecca Barry920-849-4414
Girl Scouts of the USAGS of Manitou Council877-738-7014
Harbor House920-849-7819
Quinney Fishing ClubMike Ecker920-849-9401
Red Cross877-822-4207
Salvation ArmyJohn Kost920-849-7856
Winnebago Eastshore Conservation ClubTom & Candy Roberts920-849-4921