Calumet County Launching Business Retention & Expansion Program
(Reprinted from the November 22, 2021 Focus on Calumet e-newsletter with permission from Calumet County Community Economic Development.)
Calumet County’s Community Economic Development Program has contracted with Rob Peterson of Patriot Consulting LLC to implement a Business Retention & Expansion program for Calumet County businesses. The program will initially focus on outreach to the largest employers in the county, working in collaboration with local government officials, WEDC, and technical college contacts, among others. The primary goals of the program will be to
· Help businesses address economic difficulties;
· Assist with expansions that add new jobs; and
· Increase competitiveness in the wider marketplace.
With the current challenges in hiring and retaining employees, immediate attention will be focused on better understanding specific causes of challenges like this, and then working to resolve the causes. This will include things such as childcare, workforce housing, and training needs that can’t necessarily be adequately resolved by individual businesses.
Rob Peterson is familiar with many Calumet County businesses, having conducted numerous business retention visits here several years ago. We look forward to having Rob’s focused support to help local employers.