COVID-19 Resources for Businesses
Source: Focus On Calumet e-Newsletter 4/9/20 (shared with permission)
It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway) that human health and safety are the most important concern at this time, and businesses are encouraged to stay up to date with Wisconsin’s most current health guidance available from the WI Department of Health Services to keep WI workers and families healthy.
Dozens of Calumet County businesses who are currently experiencing financial uncertainty – especially those deemed nonessential businesses in the Governor’s Emergency Safer at Home Order — have contacted the Calumet County Economic Development Program for assistance, and we’re doing our best to provide appropriate resources and referrals. In addition to the businesses that have reached out, there are likely many others who are also experiencing some type of difficulty but haven’t yet contacted us. Please know we are here to serve everyone – from the one-person sole proprietorship up to our largest employers. Please know that every question is important; don’t hesitate to ask!
Calumet County’s Community Economic Development Program has been staying abreast of current developments and resources that may be useful to local businesses. Including our own website, these resources include:
Calumet County Economic Development Support for Businesses site, which is compiling the most useful resources for Calumet County businesses, especially including the deployment of the federal CARES Act financial support for businesses.
WEDC’s COVID-19 Business Resources – new publications, links to financial resources such as SBA and the WEDC grant program, information on online virtual trainings and meetings, and timely updates from the Governor.
SBDC’s One-Stop Shop for Small Business COVID-19 resources which is particularly helpful in making sense of the financial assistance available through the CARES Act as well as other sources of technical assistance.